Infection Control Statement


This annual statement will be prepared each accounting year. It will summarise:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Events Reporting procedures)
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions taken.
  • Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken.
  • Details of staff training.
  • Review and update of policies, procedures and guidance


The infection prevention and control leads for Paddington Green Health Centre are Nurse Zanny Colverson and Practice Manager Siobhan Browne.

Significant events

There were no significant events raised that are related to infection control.


An audit of staff training was carried out which revealed that most staff are up-to-date with their training.

Risk Assessments

The practice Infection Control Lead and the Practice Manager carried out an infection control inspection of the whole premises on 24th August 2018 and noted the following actions:

Staff training

At the time of the publication of the annual infection control statement, the two clinical and one administrative members of staff had not updated their infection control training. Online training is available to all staff via Bluestream Academy and those who have not yet completed their training will be advised to complete it.

Review and update of policies, procedures and guidance

The Health and Safety Policy (incorporating the Infection Control Policy) was reviewed in January 2017.


Audit question Action required to meet audit requirements Date by
Is there a recorded process in place for practice staff to access IPC advice and support as needed including Local Hospital Consultant Microbiologists & Public Health England Local Health Protection Unit advisors? Share contact information via Posters and the shared electronic practice address book. Add contacts to Health and Safety/Infection Control Policy 24/11/2018
Are posters displayed adjacent to hand washbasins featuring the hand hygiene process? Ensure hand a hygiene poster is available in each clinical room 24/11/2018
Are all staff aware of the procedure for dealing with spillages of blood or other body fluids? Put up spillage poster advice in the treatment room 24/11/2018
Are all areas including clinical areas and equipment visibly clean and free from extraneous items? Ensure cleaning checklist is available in each room 24/11/2018
Are Staff aware of the correct procedure to follow after a needle stick injury, other sharps or blood splash exposure? Acquire new needle stick injury posters 24/11/2018
Is the temperature of the vaccine fridge monitored continually with a min/max thermometer and are the temperatures recorded each working day to ensure vaccines are maintained at 2-8OC?  (min, max and actual fridge temperatures should be recorded. Reinstate upload and saving of the electronic log. 24/11/2018
Is there evidence that the practice has undertaken a review of sharps management within the practice and employed ‘safer sharps’ techniques where applicable. Conduct a sharps management review

Observe a selection of staff, log observations and record.

Are clinical waste bags marked with the practice code when securing for disposal? ·         Check with clinical waste supplier whether we need to add our practice code to waste bags or whether they do it.

·         Request new treatment room bins

Is the fridge serviced annually? It is calibrated annually. Check whether fridge servicing is included in this and whether it is required. 24/11/2018